Recent Accomplishments
Increases to Base Pay
For the 2018-2022 contract we successfully bargained for the following pay increases:
- 3% July 1, 2018 (paid retroactively to those faculty present)
- 3% July 1, 2019 (paid retroactively to those faculty present)
- 3% July 30, 2021 (merit)
- 2.5% July 30, 2022 (merit)
We were able to achieve these increases while avoiding furlough days for any members and while simultaneously resisting Rutgers proposals to cut your salary. One of such proposals allowed for a 10-12% percent reduction for those with "needs improvement" on any part of their annual evaluation or in the ill-defined area of “professionalism.”
Establishment of a Pay Equity Program
We have long advocated for the closing arbitrary pay gaps. We have now been able to win agreement to establish a program to address these discrepancies. Starting July 1, 2021, faculty who believe they are not fairly paid can put in for an equity salary request, and also have the right grieve the determination if it is still not adjusted. We are working closely with the AAUP-AFT, the legacy faculty union to perfect this process at the University.
New Health Insurance PPO that Saves You Money
Our union, as part of the Coalition of Rutgers Unions, negotiated lower health care costs for members who choose to switch into the NJ Direct/NJ Direct 2019 plan. Most of you are currently enrolled in the Horizon Direct 15 PPO or the Horizon HMO plans. The new NJ Direct/NJ Direct 2019 is based on the design of the Direct 15 plan, but with some changes in co-pays and deductibles that allow for premium savings
Workload Article
The new collective bargaining agreement contains an updated workload policy, which also updates overload pay amounts. We largely accomplished are objective of closing previous inequities that existed between AAUP-BHSNJ and AAUP-AFT faculty.
Job Security for both Tenured and Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Unfortunately, we have represented a number of faculty members which have had their reappointments non-renewed for arbitrary or retaliatory reasons. Renewal of appointments should be based on job performance and nothing else. For the first time, our union contract will have a limited appeal process for faculty whose appointment is non-renewed. We are also working to strengthen protections for tenured faculty. Currently, they are afforded fewer due process right than their legacy Rutgers colleagues (AAUP-AFT).